Well, I had a very weird dream this afternoon right before I woke up to get ready for work. I have a shirt with a clown on it that says, "Must Be This Long To Ride" - it's a funny shirt - and kind of controversial - I admit it. It's at the focus of the dream. I'll leave out most of the details, but the focus of the dream was I was being chased, harassed and threatned - because I wore that shirt in public - I was a pervert & a freak - damn it all, I had people out to get me because I'm gay!
Not really all that scary, I guess, but the sad thing is that it's possible for what was a dream to become reality - ask Matthew Sheppard's family - it happens to gay men and women every day - and even though my dream was a bit on the extreme side with groups of people in full riot mode - andeven silly at times with a few crossdressers & an appearance by my dog, Spice (in full Lassie routine - there to save the day at the last moment - and I won a pool game (I don't play pool) - I recognized the message amidst the lunacy - I've always felt comfortable with my sexuality and myself - at least for the past few years - I have lots of issues, but being comfortable as a gay man isn't one 'em....
But the dream hit home about how quickly things can change - and though I may be comfortable, I can never really be totally safe or free from the bigotry or prejidice in this world.
Hmm, that's something to think about.
Moving on....
Last night at the store, I had an encounter with a group of kids from the local college. Long story short since I'm running out of time before I have to go to work - they came in and bought some stuff - there were five of them. This was right at 2:00am. One of the boys paid for his stuff with a debit card. Anyhow, one of the students went to the beer cooler to get beer. It was too late to buy alcohol and I told the young lady that. They acted kind of stuffy and then a group of local lowlifes came into the store and piled around the register to be their usual annoying self. I watched the girl in the security mirror and while I was busy with the crowd at the register, she went back to the beer cooler and grabbed a six pack of Heinekin.
She moved up the front aisle of the store and I hollered at her that it was too late for the alcohol. And she quickly ran up the aisle and out the door to her car where the others were waiting - and I was right behind her - the others didn't seem to know what was going on, but she was like "Go....Go...!" and they took off. I got part of the tag number, but I wasn't able to get past the front store doors because of the other people in the store.
Well, I called the law and did a report and it's all on camera, etc. But I started thinking and remembered that her buddy had used a debit card. And since they were college kids, I'm betting that I could probably find them on the MySpace - after all, everyone under the age of 40 (and a few of us older) all have MySpace accounts. It's the thing to do.
So I copied the name off the debit card and when I got home, I searched for this guy. And guess what - I found him pretty quickly. And from his "Friends List" - I managed to find three of the others - INCLUDING the girl who stole the six pack.
I should have been a detective.
So do I give this info to the cops so they can do nothing? Do I contact these people - or at least my thief and let her know she's been busted? I haven't decided yet, but the ball is definitely in my court.
It's pretty nice!
OK, I have to go finish getting ready for work - that means brush the teeth again and (maybe) shave. So I'm down and I'm gone!
Until the next time...
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