Well - until MySpace gets off it's high horse and allows me to blog again - this is it - my new bloggy home. Gotta love it! Who needs Tom anyhow??
Tomorrow is the Survivor Series. Yawn! It looks like it'll be a good card, but I'm still undecided about ordering it or not. I really can't afford it... but then again, when has that ever mattered? I'll decided tomorrow at about 7:58pm, I guess.
I have to admit that Hornswaggle versus Great Khali is pretty inticing. My money is on the freak to win. : )
My current "B.F.W.B.F." (you figure it out - use your imagination) - is gone now for 45 days. He entered a detox Tuesday morning and will be going from there to a 45 day rehab program. This is great for Danny. He's a fantastic and great guy with a lot of baggage. I'm gonna miss having him around, but this is the best thing he can do and I hope he's able to come back better and stronger than ever. I didn't realize how bad his problem was until the other day (last week), but it's pretty bad. And maybe once he get's clean, we can concentrate on his brother too. Damn, that's a sexy beast! And he keeps hitting on me. So far, I'm resisting. But for how long? I'm only human!
Pizza is good any time of day, hot or cold. But it makes me burp.
Work - it sucks! But I just got another raise! Yay! I want to quit, but I'm good at it and they kep giving me more money to stay. It's a vicious cycle.
Britney Spears - someone needs to commit that chick - for her own good!
Paris Hilton - someone needs to commit that chick - for our benefit. She's a hooch!
It seems as if my mail lady is running later and later every day. It must be the holiday season - or else she's changed her route around a bit. Whatever the reason, she needs to get her butt in gear. I want my mail!
Unless it's bills - and then she can keep 'em. Or I'll just pull the old Fred Sanford routine - aka "put 'em back in the mailbox!".
ACW has a show tonight in Rockingham, NC. I've got to work at the Kangaroo! So I guess that's no ACW for me!
Hey Bill Bill - kick some ass! And the team of B.D. Productions is back! And better than ever!
Cold weather has begun to finally set in here in the 'Burg. It feels pretty good, but I've had to break out the jackets already. I don't like jackets - they're too bulky and confining. But it's either that or freeze! And I don't like freezing. It makes me look like a big, blue extra-large Smurf...
... without the pointy head or single digit IQ. They're cute, but not very smart. Except for Brainy. But he was just an ass...
I don't mind yawning - we all do it - but last night, while taking me to work, the mother-figure did that exaggerated, loud yawn six different times. For a three mile ride. And it shouldn't bother me - but for some reason, it just irked the hell out of me. I didn't say anything, but I wanted to. She probably can't help it - it's just the way she yawns, but six times - in less than five minutes - it just grates my nerves.
I bought a box of Count Chocula cereal at the store this morning. I haven't eaten that stuff since I was a small child. And I didn't much like it then. But the "Count Chocula" character was pretty cool. So I ate it then anyhow. And I bought the box today. Because it was on sale. Some things just never change.
Speaking of vamps, I just found out yesterday that Johnny Depp is a big Dark Shadows fan.... and he has entered an agreement with Warner Brothers about the possible production of a big budget "Dark Shadows" movie. That would be pretty incredible... And Depp is just eclectic and weird enough to make a great Barnabas.
And if I can be so bold to make a recomendation, how about David Boreanaz (sp) - "Angel" from the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel" series - as Quentin Collins. I think he'd make a great manipulative wolfy type of guy.
Or the guy who played Will in "Will & Grace" - Eric McCormick - there is something about him that makes me think he could really do well in a dramatic role as an evil, twisted member of the "Collins" family.
Did Christian really call Sharmell a "nappy headed ho"? LMAO! Booker T(NA) versus Christian Cage - I know we've seen it before in WWE, but I think this is going to be a good (and fun) feud.
TNA is still as confusing as ever for me - and there is still way too much Total Non-Stop Angle, but some of the recent stuff has been awesome. Christian - his "Coalition" of AJ & Tomko - the defection to Team Angle (can they use that term?), the debuts of Booker T & Sharmell, and the return of Kevin Nash to the ring - and Scott Hall ("Hey Yo!") to the spotlight - TNA hasn't hit a home run yet, but they're getting there.
And Disco Inferno a few weeks ago too? Yay!
Disco Inferno > Don West - so replace West with Disco. I'd rather see Disco at Wrestlemania in Orlando, but I'll take my sightings when I can get 'em!
If WWE produced a version of "Hee Haw", would it be called "WWE Haw" or "HHHee HHHaw"?? Just wondering.
I should do a WWE Hee Haw parody. I'll put it on "the list". Maybe one day before Aurora Rose Levesque becomes CEO of WWE. Heh! Heh!
You know, except for the stuff about Danny, this almost seems like an edition of "Tossing Salt". Maybe I should just stick a header on it and send it in as a column. It'd probably make Gary happy. Hmmmmmm! I'll think about it!
I miss Ric! WWE needs to be fair to Flair! Bring him back to TV - NOW! They say that WWE Creative has nothing for the "Nature Boy". Well, that's the storyline. Ric can cut promos shooting on WWE for not having "anything for a 16-time World Champion" and then take challenges from the WWE superstars. It's the Rodney Mack "white boy challenge", but it's Ric Flair and he's not quite as racist and way too old to be called a "boy". But let Ric win by hook, crook, and any means necessary over different jobbers and mid-carders and the storyline is that he's out to "prove himself" and get back into contention for the WWE or World title. He can say the champs (Taker/ Batista & Orton /HBK: pending the results from Sunday night) are "ducking him" and after he keeps winning, he can end up doing a program with CM Punk for the ECW title. It'd put Ric on TV, create a storyline, give Punk the education of a lifetime, give ECW some great exposure, increase the ratings, and certainly be better than some of the stuff on TV right now.
Except for Santino Marella. As a wrestler, he sucks, but as a comedy act / sniveling heel - he is magic. He's the next William Regal (except for the wrestling part!) It must be the accent! But he's awesome!
And Maria? She's pretty awesome too! She's no Ivory, but then again, who is?
Well, for now, I'm gone. The mail lady is out there and I have bills, I mean "letters" to read. I'm headed downtown to Chinatown - and may the force be with you.
Yeah, I'm down with the trilogy.
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